Bristol Little League is one of the premier youth programs in Southwest Virginia. It is because of the help of
generous businesses, like yours, that we can run a fun, safe, and exciting Little League for baseball and softball
in the Bristol, VA area. We come to you, a neighbor, to offer several opportunities to promote
your business with a tax-deductible contribution to Bristol, VA Little League a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization.
Sponsorship Opportunities include:
Team Sponsor - $750
• Sponsor’s name on the team’s jerseys
• Sponsor will be invited to throw out the 1st pitch at one(1) BVLL regular season game
• Advertising banner on two(2) BVLL fields - 2’x6’ Banner
• Sponsor’s logo on the BVLL website • Social Media acknowledgment
• One email advertisement sent to all players. • Personalized commemorative plaque
Banner Sponsor - $150
• Advertising banner on one(1) BVLL field - 2’x4’ Banner
• Sponsor’s logo on the BVLL website
Logo Banner Sponsor - $50
• Sponsor‘s logo on a collabrative Advertising banner on one(1) BVLL field - 4’x6’ Banner
Support the Bristol Virginia Little League!
Your donations go a long way in providing equipment, field maintenance, and opportunities
for young athletes in our community. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difffference.
Contact us to learn more about how you can donate or become sponsor.